What Makes a Brunette a Smart Choice
There are a lot of reasons why blondes hate brunettes. For one, blondes are prone to attacking women with their hair. This behavior caused brunettes to start getting ugly nicknames. However, brunettes aren't dumb or hot. Besides that, they're not the same as white people, which is why they don't need dodgy dye jobs to have gorgeous locks. So what makes a brunette a smart choice? Read these brunette facts.

As the feminine counterpart of the diminutive form, brunette is used to describe both women and men with brown hair. Interestingly enough, the word is rarely used to refer to a woman with red hair. Instead, people often say "she has reddish-brown hair." Although the use of the term is rare, it's still a common way to describe a girl or woman with dark-colored hair. According to Merriam-Webster, "a brunette is a woman who has brown hair".
While the name "blonde" means "blonde", the actual term brunette refers to women with darker hair. This term is also used to refer to women who are redheads. It's important to note that a woman's hair color does not necessarily mean that a woman is more intelligent than she actually is. While blondes are generally considered to be smarter, brunettes are thought to be more serious.
Some people think that brunettes are more attractive than blondes, but in reality, there are more women with brown hair than blonds. And, a recent survey revealed that only a third of blondes had a one-night stand. So the answer is definitely no. And a woman who has brown hair has a higher chance of having a more sexually satisfying relationship than a woman who is a brunette.
In general, blondes are seen as smarter than brunettes, and they make more money than blondes, while brunettes have a harder time getting dates. In fact, 2% of women have more successful relationships than blondes. As a result, they are able to attract more men and get more attention. Despite this, brunettes are also less likely to be stereotyped as "dimwits." It's important to note that this isn't a new phenomenon; the difference is just as prevalent as it was hundreds of years ago.
It's important to remember that gender doesn't necessarily mean what a woman looks like. In the past, men considered women with dark hair to be more independent and sexy. They also portrayed women with dark hair as sophisticated and serious. This stereotype has remained, even in modern society. But now, men are more tolerant of brown-haired women. And, while blonds are more attractive than brunettes, it's no longer the case.
In spite of the many disadvantages, brunettes don't need to feel insecure about their skin tone. Their hair is easy to manage, and the color is also popular in the fashion industry. In fact, most beautiful women in the world are brunettes. In short, women with dark hair are generally attractive and reliable. So, they're also more likely to be attractive to men. Hence, they're a better option for those who want to look glamorous. Also read these Brunette fun facts.